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Work with Us

The Employer of Choice

If you choose to join Inspire Connected Communities Trust, you become part of a community that is forward-thinking, embraces innovation, with a commitment not only to transforming the lives of children and young people, but also our staff team and wider communities within our partnerships. As a trust that embraces a coaching culture, we offer programmes of support and development, including professional development alongside personal wellbeing. Our development pathways range from apprenticeships, initial teacher training and also bespoke leadership development.

"We approach and do things differently", David Rhodes, Chair of the Trust Board

The Trust of Choice

Inspire Connected Communities Trust is passionate about promoting opportunities and celebrating the successes of children and young people in all its settings. We are committed to providing a forward-thinking, yet equally supportive and challenging culture, to ensure each school builds on development, with a drive and commitment to maintaining their core purpose of achievement for all. We work with a range of schools in varying circumstances, both specialist and mainstream. Partnership for improvement is our driving force, which comes in many forms.

As a Trust, we are committed to supporting all pupils and students across the education sector, however, we are experts in supporting those with SEND. We are continually outward facing as a trust, in all our approaches and hold a commitment to continually supporting the wider school system.

We have consistently collaborated and supported the work of the local authority and delivered on projects supporting both staff and students alike, across Lincolnshire.  We are committed to continuing to work collaboratively with mainstream and specialist settings to develop and share expertise and approaches.

As a Trust, we believe in each school’s identity and live by our ethos, that all our pupils and students require an individualised approach and, as such, so do our schools. Robust systems of accountability are embedded through supportive challenge, ensuring each school maintains their own ethos, unique characteristics and service to their community. 

As a Trust our aim is always to ENABLE:

  • Leaders and Headteachers to lead and develop their school in line with their own vision, whilst offering a stimulating, exciting and enriching curriculum which is underpinned by the efforts and commitment of our talented staff. All of our schools seek to engage our pupils and students in their education, so we improve their progress, attainment, and attendance.
  • Partnership with parents/carers and other agencies involved with our pupils’ and students' educational and personal development.
  • Individual school identity, where pupils, students and staff value themselves and others.
  • To meet the needs of the community they serve. For our pupils and students to feel part of their home and school communities, by providing schools that are local and which engage with their community.
  • Schools to work together in true collaboration, building on improvement, sharing best practice and resources, through the sharing of expertise, knowledge and skills.
  • Our staff, at every level, to be the best they can be, through a comprehensive induction process, high-quality training, supported by effective ongoing personal learning journeys. This includes opportunities for continuous coaching, mentoring and monitoring, all personalised to meet the individual at their point of need, for personal and professional development, and taking into account the school improvement plan.
  • Every school, regardless of their circumstances to share the strengths they can offer
  • Lincolnshire Hub Partners LogoShared working, learning and development for staff at all levels, through our professional learning offer, working as partner to LEAD Teaching School Hub and also through the delivery of our programmes, such as coaching skills for education.
  • Inspire SEND Alliance LogoHigh impact support available from the Trust school improvement arm: INSPIRE SEND Hub / Alliance