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  • Professional Learning

    Tania James is our Professional Development Coach, registered with the ICF (International Coaching Federation) with a professional qualification in coaching from Chester University, as well as being a graduate from the Barefoot coaching course. Tania is also a qualified positive psychology practitioner. Tania has extensive experience in coaching individuals and teams and is passionate about enabling people to flourish and grow, in ways that have meaning to them and through connection to their strengths.

    We believe that investment in staff personally will impact upon them professionally, which ultimately leads to positive impact in the workplace and for all stakeholders. You will take away practical applications for both personal and professional impact.

    We can offer ‘structured flexibility’. We can provide options for you to choose from that can help frame what you need, but with enough flexibility to support your evolving needs.

    We can provide access to stand alone training opportunities and create bespoke packages in partnership with you. Either option will enable and empower professional development, school improvement and individual/ organisational wellbeing, through a combination of experiential learning and development of theory into practice. 

    We have a range of options for you to explore and look forward to discussing your individual requirements.



    Sample of options:

    • What is coaching? – An Introduction – debunking the myths. Application – 1:1, group, organisation, parents
    • Building your Team – explore your profiles (Lencioni/MBTI)
    • Coaching Skills in Education – core competencies in educational practice. Difficult conversations, adult to adult communication, effective feedback giving and receiving (4 sessions) Links to EI and wellbeing
    • 1:1 professional coaching – contract 4-6 sessions
    • Coaching skills for Parents – suitable for staff as parents/carers, parents of students, grandparents and expectant parents. 6-8 sessions.
    • Building Resilience – training day, experiential learning
    • Building Staff wellbeing – experiential learning – mindfulness, drivers, wheel, perma.
    • Bespoke access to sessions across the year
    • ‘Why’ Session - What’s your ‘why’ (Sinek)

    Contact us to start a conversation about how we can work with you.

    1:1 Coaching

    Supporting personal and professional development through time and space to do your thinking, exploring such things as values, strengths, drivers, aspirations and challenges. Useful for any stage of career development from early years through to transitioning into retirement (and everything in-between!). Coaching supports you to develop your self-awareness, lean into your strengths and identify and work to overcome your barriers. Investment in 1:1 coaching is an investment in organisational development and growth.

    Contact our Professional Development Coach by email at

    Team Coaching

    Team coaching will support identified teams to work together successfully with each other and as part of the wider environment.  Team coaching supports lasting change through the development of trust, creating different and better ways of working and thinking, for the ultimate goal of profiting from the collective potential within the team. The team coaching process helps increase self-awareness, explore and define the purpose of the team, tackle new challenges and offers a safe environment for honest conversations. 

    Contact our Professional Development Coach by email at

    Mental Health Courses from MHFA England

    Become a Mental Health First Aider · MHFA England

    Mental Health Aware Course Flyer

    Youth Mental Health 

    Mental Health Skills for Managers Flyer

    For further information or to book any of the above courses, please contact our Professional Development Coach and in-house MHFA Instructor for availability and pricing

    Behaviour and Engagement - Share our Learning

    This learning opportunity will raise awareness around relationships, relational and restorative practice, offering practical tools and strategies for takeaway application. Useful for anyone working directly with young people wanting to impact positively on behaviour and engagement.  Experiential group learning with a practical focus.

    Introduction to Resilience

    An exploratory, interactive session around resilience. Signposting and takeaway tools. Full day or Half day Please contact us directly for bespoke requirements.

    Exploring -

    • What is resilience?
    • Why is it important?
    • How we can develop it
    • Psychological and environmental factors that impact on our resilience
    • Stress bucket and self-care
    • Thinking about thinking and how this impacts on our resilience
    • Developing your personal brand of resilience.
    • Takeaway tools: Battery work, Wheel of resilience

    MBTI Profiling

    Using the evidence-based Myer Briggs Type Indicator Assessment, we can support you to explore your unique profile.  Following this assessment, we will work with 1:1 to verify your results and explore what this means to you. As an individual or as part of a team, we can then coach you to explore the following:

    • Enhancing communication
    • Coping with stress
    • Making better decisions
    • Managing conflict

    MBTI Workshops

    We can also offer team workshops that explore specific subjects from a MBTI viewpoint such as:

    • Enhancing emotional Intelligence
    • Embracing Change
    • Leader Development

    Restorative Practice Awareness Session - Share our Learning

    This half-day info share is for anyone working in schools supporting young people, who would like to know more about working towards a restorative culture.  Join us as we share with you our journey to date with restorative practice. An interactive session with signposting and takeaways to get your thinking started.

    Half day 09:30–12:00

    • What is it?
    • Aims and Benefits
    • How we do it
    • Our 3 C’s - school wide framework to embed and develop relational practice – what this is and why these things are what we hang our practice on
    • Explore the 4 ways of working