The INSPIRE Connected Communities Trust (to be known as INSPIRE) was formed to support aspirational education, including offering a different approach to Special Educational Needs in East Lincolnshire. We have a visionary plan to offer something for all young people from 0 -25 years of age whether they attend special schools or mainstream schools.
We aim to be a small Multi Academy Trust with big ideas which incorporates special and mainstream schools or to form partnerships with schools for the benefit of all young people. We believe local people have the ability to organise and run professional schools without being part of a large national organisation.
Our aim is to give our young people an outstanding education in many forms. We are open to innovation, new ideas, are not afraid to fail and always looking to improve, through out of the box thinking. There are many forms that this can take in education and also for some of our young people this means developing their life skills.
Getting best value from our back office organisation and keeping a control of costs are important. We have developed relationships with various organisations to enable this to happen which we can develop as the Trust grows.
The Board of INSPIRE is made up of people who have considerable experience in the field of education, business, Finance and personal development and whose ultimate aim is to provide the best possible educational experiences for all the students and young people, for whom the Trust is responsible.
The Trust Board operates in a similar way to a Board of Governors. We support and challenge the CEO regarding all the educational outcomes and have oversight of all the schools, but also, when appropriate, delegate responsibility to a Local Governing Body. This Local Body then continues to provide support and challenge to the specific school /s to which it is attached.
On this website you will be able to find news and information about what is happening within INSPIRE and through the links, more detail about what is happening in each Academy and our partnerships. You can also find information about Our Trust Board Members.
If you are a school looking to join a Multi Academy Trust in full or to access just some of our services please contact us for more information. You will find we are different to what others may offer.
I do hope that you find what you need from our website and please get in touch if you have any further questions or feedback about the work of the Trust or its Academies.
David Rhodes